Sublethal Effects of Three Insecticides on Life History Parameters of Oenopia conglobata contaminata, an Important Predatory Coccinellid of Agonoscena pistaciae

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Plant protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan Iran

2 Member of scientific board, Pistachio Research Center, Horticultural Sciences Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Rafsanjan, Iran


Sublethal Effects of Three Insecticides on Life History Parameters of Oenopia conglobata contaminata,

an Important Predatory Coccinellid of Agonoscena pistaciae


Fereshteh Amin (MSc)1, Haniieh Atrchian (PhD)1, Kamran Mahdian (PhD)*1, Mehdi Basirat (PhD)2

1Department of Plant protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan Iran

2Pistachio Research Center, Horticultural Sciences Research Institute, Agricultural Research,

Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Rafsanjan, Iran

Received: 16.11.2019   Accepted: 20.12.2019


 Introduction: The predatory ladybeetle, Oenopia conglobata contaminata (L.) (Col. Coccinellidae), is an important coccinellid predator of the common pistachio psylla, Agonoscena pistaciae Burckhardt and Lauterer (Hem.: Psyllidae). Given public concerns about reducing dependence on chemical pesticides in pistachio orchards, the use of biological control agents is attracting growing attention.

 Materials and Methods: In this study, effects of spirotetramat, fenitrothion, and chlorpyrifos(350, 40, and 10ml/L, respectively) on some biological and life history parameters of O. conglobata contaminata fed on thecommon pistachio psylla were examined under controlled conditions (25 ± 1°C, 60 ± 5%RH, and 16:8 h L: D photoperiod). Accordingly, eggs of O. conglobata contaminata were exposed topesticides by a dipping method.

 Results: The results revealed that spirotetramat, fenitrothion, and chlorpyrifos decreasedthe development time and total longevity in O. conglobata contaminata adults. The highest and lowest fecundity rates were observed in spirotetramat and fenitrothion treatments, respectively. The treatments of insecticides exerted adverse effects on life history parameters of O. conglobate contaminata. The highest values of r, R0, 𝜆, and GRR were obtained in the spirotetramat treatment, whereas the lowest values of these population parameters were recorded in the fenitrothion treatment.

Conclusion: The results suggest that spirotetramat could be effective in O. conglobata contaminata in an IPM program.


Please cite this article as follows:

Amin F, Atrchian H, Mahdian K, Basirat M. Sublethal effects of three insecticides on life history parameters of oenopia conglobata contaminata, an important predatory coccinellid of agonoscena pistaciae. Pistachio and Health Journal. 2019; 2 (4): 53-72.